BRITEPath Frequently Asked Questions

For Clinicians & Providers

How can I get access to BRITEPath for my patients/clients/organization?

The BRITEPath platform is made available by the researchers and software developers, NuRelm, on the HIPAA compliant google cloud platform (GCP) for use by providers and clinicians with their patients. ETUDES Center staff are happy to provide clinicians and providers with training materials about how BRITE can be used with their patients. If interested in using the BRITEPath, please follow the prompts after pressing the button “Click here to apply for access to BRITE training & tools”. Please direct any questions about training to

Where is the training held?

The BRITEPath training is provided virtually through online training videos on our website after applying for access through pressing the button “Click here to apply for access to BRITE training & tools”. After completing training, a follow-up survey will be administered to assess training proficiencies.

How long is the training?

The online training videos will take approximately 1 hour to complete, followed by a brief survey to assess training proficiencies.

Do I have to attend training?

Yes, training is mandatory to understand proper utilization of BRITEPath.

How do I know if my clients/patients/organization qualify for BRITEPath ?

BRITEPath is intended for any individual who may benefit from mood tracking, emotion regulation, and safety planning. A clinical diagnosis is not required, however it was initially created for use with suicidal participants.

What will I have to do after my patient is onboarded to the app?

You are not required to do anything after your patient is onboarded to the app, however BRITEPath was designed to involve both patient and provider input. It is helpful to discuss app use with your client to help with engagement. Once the patient is onboarded, the provider is able to monitor the clinician access-dashboard that shows frequency of youth app use, distress ratings over time, and how helpful emotional regulation skills have been, with the optional feature to send self-assessments on symptoms of depression, anxiety, and suicidal risk with accompanying graphs showing results over time.

Is BRITEPath treatment?

BRITEPath is not to be used as a standalone treatment- it is meant to compliment ongoing treatment or be used as a symptom/risk management aide.

Do I have to monitor BRITEBoard?

The clinician access-dashboard “BRITEBoard” does not require monitoring, but it can be helpful to see how your patient is engaging with the app.

Do I have to have any special equipment?

You do not need any special equipment to use BRITEPath, you will just need internet access on a phone, tablet, or computer to access the BRITEBoard clinician access-dashboard. 

Do I need experience with a computer or tablet?

Experience with a computer or tablet can be helpful for navigating the BRITEBoard clinician access-dashboard, however, our training videos will walk you through easy step-by-step instructions on how to onboard your patient to the BRITE app and how to monitor their app use through BRITEBoard.

What if a part of the BRITEPath online portal doesn’t work?  Who should I contact?

If you encounter any errors or issues with BRITEPath or online portal, please contact

What if I can’t remember my login or password for the BRITEBoard clinician portal?

If you forget your login or password for the BRITEBoard clinician portal, there will be a link to follow to retrieve that information. If you are still unable to retrieve your information after following that link, please contact

Where can I find my patient's user ID/password for the Brite app?

You can find your patient’s user ID and password for the BRITE app in the BRITEBoard clinician dashboard under the “Participants” tab. The user ID will be listed under the column “UID” and the password will be listed under the column “Plain password”.

Is BRITEPath private and secure?

The BRITEPath platform is available on the HIPAA compliant google cloud platform (GCP) for use by providers and clinicians with their patients. The BRITE app is also secured through a personalized pin number that only the patient will have access to.


For Patients & Parents

How can I get access to BRITEPath for myself or for my child?

If you are interested in BRITEPath you can discuss it directly with your doctor, provider, mental health provider, or reach out the our team via email to

How old do I have to be to use BRITEPath?

BRITEPath has been tested in research studies in for adolescents, teens, and young adults aged 12-26 years old.

How do I download the app?

The app can be downloaded on both Apple and Android devices by searching “ETUDESBRITEPath” in the app store. You should see an icon with a blue haired character with a purple background, pinkish arms, and yellowish t-shirt. Once you install the app your provider will help you activate the app and give you the user ID and password you will need to use the app.

Do I have to attend treatment sessions with my clinician?

We recommend attending any treatment sessions you have scheduled with your clinician, however, you are able to use the BRITE app independently from treatment sessions.

Do I have to attend every treatment session with my clinician?

We recommend attending any treatment sessions you have scheduled with your clinicians, as the BRITE app is not intended to take the place of your treatment.

What if I have seen my physician and find out that I do not have mental health problem?  Can I still use BRITEPath?

You are still able to use the BRITE app if you feel that it would be beneficial for you to monitor and regulate your mood.

What if I’m feeling depressed or suicidal, who should I reach out to?

If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, or feel that you are in crisis and cannot keep yourself safe, please contact your mental health therapist, doctor, or the following free 24/7 national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255. You can also call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room if you are in crisis.

Will my clinician see how I’m rating my distress in the app?

Your clinician will be able to see how you rate your distress in the app. This is to help discover what does and does not work for you in order to make your treatment as beneficial as possible.

Do I have to have any special equipment?

You will not need any special equipment for BRITEPath. You will just need access to a phone or tablet where you can use the BRITE app.

Do I need experience with a smart device, tablet or phone?

Some experience with a smart device, tablet, or phone is helpful when using the BRITE app, however, your clinician will assist you with orientation to the app. You can also contact with any questions.

What if a part of the BRITE app doesn’t work?  Who should I contact?

If you are experiencing issues with the BRITE app please contact

How do I set the push notifications on the BRITE app?

Push notifications on the BRITE app can be set by going in the app and selecting “My settings” à “Set Reminders”. There you are able to add reminders to receive a push notification when you would like to remember to use BRITE.

Do I need to respond immediately to distress ratings?

You do not need to respond immediately to distress ratings, however, it can be helpful to check in with your clients when you have time to do so. If your patient rates themselves as having high distress, the app will prompt them to utilize their safety plan and coping skills to promote emotion regulation.

Where can I find my user ID/password for the Brite app?

Your clinician or provider who works to develop your safety plan with you will provide your user ID and password to initially login to the app.  After the intial login you will create a secure PIN code that only you will have access to.

Is BRITEPath private and secure?

The BRITEPath platform is available on the HIPAA compliant google cloud platform (GCP) for use by providers and clinicians with their patients. The BRITE app is also secured through a personalized pin number that only the patient will have access to.








For questions about BRITEPath, or inquiries about using these materials for non-commercial purposes, please contact the researchers at  BRITEPath was classified as exempt from Institutional Review Board review by the Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) at the University of Pittsburgh (STUDY20050047).  The HRPO may be contacted at 412-383-1480.  All materials related to MySafetySpace, BRITE and BRITEPath are copyrighted under case #03344 and registered through the University of Pittsburgh Innovation Institute and National Institutes of Health (NIH), submitted on 6/16/14.